Politics, Questions, and Objections.

Politics, Questions, and Objections. Taught by Steve Yoak on 3/13/16 Download MP3 Description: This meeting dealt with several topics including theology as it relates to presidential politics, a question about laying up treasure in heaven, and why Paul quotes the Law in Ephesians 6.

Part 29: John Verse-by-Verse

Part 29: John Verse-by-Verse Taught by Steve Yoak on 3/6/16 Download MP3 Description: John 13:1-38.   Jesus begins a private discourse with His disciples where he teaches them the example of foot washing.  Christ identifies Judas as His betrayer and gives His disciples instructions to follow as He speaks of His soon departure.

Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage & Grace

Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage & Grace Taught by Steve Yoak on 2/21/16 Download MP3 Download Outline Description: Many people are given bad and/or dangerous advice on the topic of divorce and remarriage by pastors and friends who don’t rightly divide the Bible.   This study examines divorce under Israel’s law program and Israel’s kingdom program, as … [Read more…]

Faithful Stewards

Faithful Stewards Taught by Steve Yoak on 2/14/16 Download MP3 Download PDF Description: We are required by God to be faithful stewards of God’s mysteries.  (1 Cor 4:1-2)  It’s impossible to be a faithful steward if you don’t know the information.  This lesson outlines 6 major aspects of the Mystery of Christ.  (Eph 3:4)

Part 28: John Verse-by-Verse

Part 28: John Verse-by-Verse Taught by Steve Yoak on 2/7/16 Download MP3 Description: John 12:23-50.   Jesus speaks about His coming death and states that His followers must be willing to give up their lives for Him.   God speaks from Heaven, and some people hear a voice and others hear thunder.   The chapter … [Read more…]

Complete in Christ without a covenant.

Complete in Christ without a covenant. Taught by Steve Yoak on 1/31/16 Download MP3 Description: This lesson compares the relationship and standing of someone who is complete in Christ according to the Gospel of the Grace of God with the relationship and standing of someone who is a participant in one of God’s covenants.

Q & A / Discussion Meeting

Q & A / Discussion Meeting Moderated by Steve Yoak on 1/24/16 Download MP3 Description: People who go to church have lots of questions.  Many times, they are afraid or unable to ask questions or discuss doctrines.   This meeting dealt with questions regarding Hebrews 13:8, sayings like “Hate the sin, Love the sinner,” and … [Read more…]

Part 27: John Verse-by-Verse

Part 27: John Verse-by-Verse Taught by Steve Yoak on 1/17/16 Download MP3 Download PDF Description: John 12:1-22. Lazarus is alive and eating dinner with Jesus. The chief priests consider executing Lazarus as well as Jesus. Mary anoints the feet of Jesus with costly oil, and Jesus enters Jerusalem the week before His crucifixion and fulfills … [Read more…]

The Romans Roadblock

The Romans Roadblock Taught by Steve Yoak on 1/10/16 Download MP3 Download Outline Description: The “Romans Road” to salvation is a popular evangelistic tool that has been in use for over half a century.  This lesson looks at 2 verses that should be omitted from the “Romans Road” and why people who preach the Gospel … [Read more…]

Christian Immortality

Christian Immortality Taught by Steve Yoak on 1/3/15 Download MP3 Description: 2 Tim 1:10 Declares that people who choose to trust the Gospel of the grace of God have been granted immortality. This fact cures the problem that mankind is unable to solve on its own. (Rom 5:12) Christians would do well to begin acting … [Read more…]