Jesus Wasn’t Talking To You! Pt. 29

Jesus Wasn’t Talking To You! Pt. 29 Taught by Steve Yoak on 12/29/19 Description: What does it mean to be “at peace with God?” How does God offer unsaved sinners peace? How do many preachers across different denominations teach their people that they are NOT at peace with God?

The Grace, Mercy, Peace, and Liberty Tax?

The Grace, Mercy, Peace, and Liberty Tax? Taught by Steve Yoak on 12//2/19 Description: How should people give money to ministries? Should pastors be paid for their services? What is the motivation under grace to give money? What is the mechanism whereby money should be collected?

Jesus Wasn’t Talking To You! Pt. 28

Jesus Wasn’t Talking To You! Pt. 28 Taught by Steve Yoak on 12/15/19 Description: Rom 6:14 should inform us of not only our standing with God through Christ, but also of our service and ministry toward others. Don’t be a grace hypocrite!

Jesus Wasn’t Talking To You! Pt. 27

Jesus Wasn’t Talking To You! Pt. 27 Taught by Steve Yoak on 12/8/19 Description: Failure to rightly divide the Word creates a “Christian Identity Crisis.” If you don’t know your identity, you aren’t sure of who you are, or your purpose in life. See a few ways that knowing JWTTY helps you solidify your identity … [Read more…]

Recovering From Wrong Doctrine: Pt. 2

Taught by Keith Yoak on 12/1/19 Description: The first step to realizing that what is new information to you, is not actually new at all is denial. Dealing with the process of denial with yourself and with others.

Questioning GotQuestions Pt.11 (Conclusion)

Taught by Steve Yoak on 11/24/19 Description: Is it wrong to see “different gospels” in your Bible? Were Jews in Galilee saved a different way from the Gentiles in Achaia? Is there ever a difference between a gospel and the means of salvation?

Jesus Wasn’t Talking To You! Pt. 26

Jesus Wasn’t Talking To You! Pt. 26 Taught By Steve Yoak on 11/17/19 Download MP3 Description: You can’t have it both ways. You can’t be Israel under the law while at the same time be a member of the body of Christ which is free from the law. (Rom 6:14) See some methods to teach … [Read more…]

Questioning GotQuestions Pt.10

Questioning GotQuestions Pt.10 Taught by Steve Yoak on 11/10/19 Download MP3 Description: Does the account of Acts 2 and Acts 8 PROVE a “one body” church of Jew/Gentile where there is no difference existed before Paul? Does the fact that Jews come from various countries in Acts 2 to observe a feast day prescribed by … [Read more…]

Jesus Wasn’t Talking To You! Pt. 25

Jesus Wasn’t Talking To You! Pt. 25 Taught by Steve Yoak on 11/3/19 Download MP3 Description: Jesus promised some people in your Bible that “whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.” (Mat 21:22) How’s that working out for YOU in YOUR prayer life. Also, what in the world could be BETTER than … [Read more…]

Questioning GotQuestions Pt.9

Questioning GotQuestions Pt.9 Taught by Steve Yoak on 10/27/19 Download MP3 Description: Yes, it’s true that baptism is what saves your soul. The proper question to that sentence would be, “WHICH baptism saves my soul?” (There are more than a dozen different baptisms in your Bible) Also, does Eph 4:5 teach ONE REAL baptism plus … [Read more…]