Ephesians Verse by Verse: Part 24

Ephesians Verse by Verse: Part 24 Taught by Steve Yoak on 2/25/18 Download MP3 Description: Eph 5:5-8 Pt 2. What kind of people are saved? Is God’s wrath real, or is God’s forgiveness universal? What things can a child of light partake with a child of disobedience?

Ephesians Verse by Verse: Part 23

Ephesians Verse by Verse: Part 23 Taught by Steve Yoak on 1/28/18 Download MP3 Description: Eph 5:5-8. Do these verses teach conditional salvation based on performance? Can a person who has trusted Christ’s complete payment for sins become a partaker of God’s wrath? Why do people come to opposite conclusions after reading the same verses?

Ephesians Verse by Verse: Part 22

 Ephesians Verse by Verse: Part 22 Taught by Steve Yoak on 1/7/18 Download MP3 Description: Eph 5:2-5. Learning how to act like a child and follower of God. What is your motivation to “put off the old man” and “put on the new man?” Does grace teach sinfulness? See three groups of sins that would … [Read more…]

Ephesians Verse by Verse: Part 21

Ephesians Verse by Verse: Part 21 Taught by Steve Yoak on 12/10/17 Download MP3 Description: Eph 4:31 – 5:1. Grace teaches us to put off the outward sins of the old man as well as the inward sins. Vs. 31 lists 4 sins that can be unseen and unknown. Why should a believer forgive, and … [Read more…]

Ephesians Verse by Verse: Part 20

Ephesians Verse by Verse: Part 20 Taught by Steve Yoak on 11/19/17 Download MP3 Description: Ephesians 4:28-30. Practical instructions toward the goal of putting off the old man and putting on the new. Theft, instructions on work and finances, corrupt communication & the fact that saved people are “sealed unto the day of redemption.”

Ephesians Verse by Verse: Part 19

Ephesians Verse by Verse: Part 19 Taught by Steve Yoak on 10/29/17 Download MP3 Description: Eph 4:23-27. The old man needs to be PUT off. He doesn’t slide off. It takes effort and work by renewing the spirit of your mind by learning Christ. We are all liars and lie more than we realize. Being … [Read more…]

Ephesians Verse by Verse: Part 18

Ephesians Verse by Verse: Part 18 Taught by Steve Yoak on 10/15/17 Download MP3 Description: Eph 4:17-22. Paul declares the condition of unsaved Gentiles to the Ephesians and tells them to ‘put off’ that corrupt old man. This is not accomplished by a magic zap. It is done by learning doctrine from Christ and renewing … [Read more…]

Ephesians Verse by Verse: Part 17

Ephesians Verse by Verse: Part 17 Taught by Steve Yoak on 9/21/17 Download MP3 Description: Eph 4:14-16.  What was the reason for the gifting in time past?  Why does your child like faith need to “grow up” in Christ?

Ephesians Verse by Verse: Part 16

Ephesians Verse by Verse: Part 16 Taught by Steve Yoak on 9/14/17 Download MP3 Description: Eph 4:7-13. Immediately following the list of seven unities, Paul refers to a time of supernatural gifting for the edification of the body of Christ. See how this gifting matches what was spoken about in 1 Cor 12, and what … [Read more…]

Ephesians Verse by Verse: Part 15

Ephesians Verse by Verse: Part 15 Taught by Steve Yoak on 9/10/17 Download MP3 Description: Eph 4:3-6. These verses outline a list of seven unities that members of the church, the Body of Christ are told to keep.